Friday, November 6, 2009

Fungi Perfecti

Paul Stamets really does care a lot about the earth and her fruit, the "fungi perfecti" as he calls mushrooms.

Paul Stamets visits the most massive conk alive of Bridgeoporus nobilissimus, the Noble Polypore, growing from a old-growth stump in central Oregon.

The largest mushroom in North America? The largest in the world? This endangered species is a mycological mystery.

Paul Stamets is a "Radical Mycologist" and lives in Washington state. I encourage you to check out his web site. He sells books and mushroom grow kits.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Lorian. That is one huge conk. I'm wondering where in central Oregon--I'll check out the site to see if I can find it. Thanks again for putting Stamets stuff out there!


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